As a Pediatric Sleep Coach, Joanna Clark of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching offers the most effective, gentlest sleep coaching method for children 6 months to 6 years. No Need to "cry-it-out". No more "mommy guilt.” Just beautiful, blissful sleep for you and your child.
As a parent who has experienced the pain of sleep-deprivation, overwhelm, and relentless questioning of their self-worth because she too had a child that did not sleep through the night, Joanna knows exactly how frustrating and isolating it feels to want what’s best for your child and yet, can no longer tolerate living in a confused and sleep-deprived haze.
Joanna utilizes science-grounded Gentle Sleep Coaching® as the most effective, positive reinforcement approach to healthy, safe sleep training for your child. Her proprietary Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep™ is a step-by-step and child-led approach, which helps parents tenderly teach the "skills of sleep" to their child.
Over the past 13 years as a Trained and Certified Gentle Sleep Coach℠, Joanna is recognized as one of the top 200 Sleep Consultants in the US by Tuck. Joanna has helped thousands of families achieve drama-free bedtimes, peaceful nights, reliable naps, confident parenting and a harmonious household. In short, Joanna is committed to leading a well-rested family revolution.
Joanna is a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants, American Sleep Association and National Sleep Foundation. Joanna is also a 3x International Best-Selling Author: The One Thing Every Mom Needs to Know. She has also been recognized by countless blogs, websites and family magazines.
Let me help your family achieve beautiful, blissful sleep too!
Joanna can be reached for a 60 minute Sleep Strategy Session by completing the contact me page on her website.